

Medico-legal advice forms a large part of Health Legal’s work. We regularly answer queries from a broad range of health service staff on an even broader range of medico-legal issues.

Given our specialisation, we rarely receive a query that one of the team members has not considered (many times) before.

We strive to provide our clients with quick and accurate responses. We pride ourselves on our ability to anticipate and mitigate potential risks and issues for our clients before they arise.

Some of the medico-legal matters we have advised on in the past include:

Health Legal (in conjunction with Austin Health) has developed a handbook covering all of the medico-legal questions which are frequently asked by health service staff. The handbook covers more than 100 pages and focuses on the needs of the Victorian public and private health sectors.

Specifically, the handbook covers a wide range of topics, including consent, refusal/withdrawal of treatment, patient privacy/confidentiality and dealing with adverse events and patient complaints.

The handbook is updated every 6 months.

For information about the Medico-Legal FAQs Handbook please contact us below.